May 14, 2024 06.30
In the Grand Prix of Thessaloiniki, Lady Royal Fortuna (by Carrera) managed to take a nice third place. The Carrera daughter is bred by P. & A.M. Rinkes- Theenk Willink and ridden by Andrea Messersi. A bit slower was Athanasia - Mar...
In the Grand Prix of Thessaloiniki, Lady Royal Fortuna (by Carrera) managed to take a nice third place. The Carrera daughter is bred by P. & A.M. Rinkes- Theenk Willink and ridden by Andrea Messersi. A bit slower was Athanasia - Maria Kyriakopoulou and Pellegrino van ‘t Edelweishof (by Inshallah de Muze). The Inshallah de Muze daughter is bred by Johny Schepens.
Eighth place went to Jonas (by Dakar) and Ivaylo Bonev. The 10-year-old Dakar son is bred by H.H. & W.H. Voogd. Finally, there was also a nice ninth place for the Cardento son Idefix del Laghetto and Alexandros Fourlis, he is bred by Az. Agr. Il Lagheto Nadia Micaela di Spotti.
On Saturday, victory in the 1.40m went to Orienta v.t Recht Eind (by Baltic). Together with Panagiotis Tsaktiris, they managed to beat all competition in a time of 42.52 seconds. The Baltic daughter is bred by Daniel d'Haese & Karine van Damme.
In the 1.35m class, too, a VDL descendant managed to leave all competition behind. De jong 7 (by Dallas) with Ivaylo Bonev managed to win the class. The Dallas son is bred by Klaus Kotschofsky.
Finally, there was also success for Kansas B (by Corland) in the 1.30m class. The Corland son is ridden by Aurel Cojocariu and was bred by E. Berger.